Have a read of this great article http://ezinearticles.com/?Electronic-Document-Storage-Systems---A-Great-Backup&id=6427224 on Document Storage
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Electronic Document Storage
Great breakdown on document storage systems - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Document_management_system
For all your electronic document storage requirements, visit us online at http://www.docstor.com
For all your electronic document storage requirements, visit us online at http://www.docstor.com
Document Management Software using eStor
eStor is a document storage and web based retrieval system that makes use of web browsers typically Microsoft Internet Explorer for its client access to the eStor archive server.
Behind this retrieval application, a storage system, consisting of hard disk drives is at your disposal to store huge amounts of scanned document images and electronic data such as Microsoft Word documents and emails.
Every single stored document has a set of associated words, numbers and dates – the so called index data – stored in a SQL database enables you to find a specific document in no time at all. The appropriate search indexes are tailored to your requirements.
The eStor Document Server links all this information together and makes it available to you through the eStor web serving system using Apache Tomcat technology. In order to make retrieval of this information as easy as possible for the end user the system administrator can create search profiles. These profiles specify the possible search conditions that a user has and also implement different levels of security that restricts certain users from viewing or modifying particular documents.
The user only has to establish one or more search condition to get a list of matching documents found in the system. A simple click on the document displays the actual image in the viewer frame of the web browser application. From then on the user can distribute the image to colleagues using eStor’s simple electronic routing facility or by email, make a local copy, print or simply just view the image to ascertain the required information. The original document cannot be modified in anyway so a completely safe and legally secure archive is maintained at all times.
eStor is therefore a highly adaptable solution capable of meeting demanding specifications of a company.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Electronic Document Storage
Any people wonder what exactly an electronic document storage system is. It’s quite simple – it is a way for you to store your documents somewhere besides your hard drive or on disk at your location. Instead, your documents and files live out in the ether, on another server completely, and are accessed via internet. To find out more about our electronic document storage visit us at http://www.docstor.com/
Paperless Office
If you have a system that uses a lot of paper, take a look at it and see where things can be changed so that the documents can be accessed by computer. If you set up a way that documents are created and distributed and stored electronically from the get-go, then this is a great way to have a paperless office.
One of the benefits of a paperless office is space saving. Without being bogged down by paper and files everywhere, companies can save a lot of storage space that can be used for other things. Either that, or they will not have to pay extra capital in order to finance the cost of extra storage. To find out more about our paperless office systems visit us online at http://www.docstor.com/
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Paperless Office & Electronic Document Storage Solutions
If you have a system that uses a lot of paper, take a look at it and see where things can be changed so that the documents can be accessed by computer. If you set up a way that documents are created and distributed and stored electronically from the get-go, then this is a great way to have a paperless office.
One of the benefits of a paperless office is space saving. Without being bogged down by paper and files everywhere, companies can save a lot of storage space that can be used for other things. Either that, or they will not have to pay extra capital in order to finance the cost of extra storage.
There are many benefits to a paperless office. One of the main benefits is that by having documents and files accessible electronically, they are much easier to locate. This saves a lot of time. Also, generally speaking, more than one person can conceivably look at a document at one time. This helps so that people don’t have to wait to look at documents. To find out more about our paperless office systems and electronic document storage solutions visit us at http://www.docstor.com/
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Paperless Office
Today we often hear the term “paperless office”. But what does it actually mean? Of course, if we took it literally, no one would ever be able to jot down a telephone number on a Post-it or use a postage stamp. Of course, this is in jest, but the point is that people know they need some paper for some things, but the goal should be to use as little paper for documentation as possible and instead store as many documents and files as possible electronically. How does one get to achieve a paperless office? It may not be easy at first. Years ago, as companies were beginning to use electronic data storage, there were sometimes years of backlogged documents that had to be laboriously scanned in to computers. Thankfully, today mostly the focus is on setting up the right systems so that an office is designed to work more paperless than not. Vist us to find out more about our online document printing http://www.docstor.com/
Friday, 28 October 2011
Paperless Office
There are many benefits to a paperless office. One of the main benefits is that by having documents and files accessible electronically, they are much easier to locate. This saves a lot of time. Also, generally speaking, more than one person can conceivably look at a document at one time. This helps so that people don’t have to wait to look at documents.
Of course, one of the biggest plusses to a paperless office is its effect on the environment. Reducing significantly the amount of paper used means that fewer trees have to die, and that is a very good thing. Not only that, but when you think about the amount of energy and chemicals and processing that goes into the production of paper, you will realize that you are saving that from happening, too. So think about that – it is more than a tree you are saving, you are also saving energy and other costs, even pollution when you run a paperless office. To find out more about our paperless office systems visit us online at www.docstor.com
Friday, 21 October 2011
Electronic Records Managment
To find out more about our electronic records management systems visit http://www.docstor.com/
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Friday, 7 October 2011
eStor Retrieval Demo
If you would like to find out more about eStor retrieval or achieving a paperless office please visit us at http://www.docstor.com/
Friday, 30 September 2011
Estor Indexing Demo - How To Scan
To find out more about how to scan and our paperless office, electronic document storage and electronic record management systems please visit us online at http://www.docstor.com/
Friday, 23 September 2011
Electronic Records Management and Storage for Home/Small Office
A hosted eStor system including a fully maintained scanner a, PC and software package provides the ideal entry level system for the small or home office user looking for electronic document storage. For a fixed monthly cost Docstor provides everything you need to enable you to scan, index, upload and retrieve documents from one of our hosted online servers and receive instant access 24-7 anywhere in the world with web access. The system provides fully backed up and secure data storage with strong security features
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Friday, 2 September 2011
3 Reasons Why You Should Invest In A Paperless Office
1. PAPERLESS OFFICES SAVE SPACE! - One of the benefits of a paperless office is the fact that its space saving. If you have a paperless office you don't need to be bogged down by having paper and files everywhere, companies can save a lot of storage space that can be used for other things.
2. PAPERLESS OFFICES SAVE YOU MONEY! Investing in a paperless office saves you money as you do not have to pay out extra money in order to finance the cost of extra storage solutions.
3. PAPERLESS OFFICES SAVE YOU TIME! If you use a paper file system documents can easily be mislaid or misplaced, by investing in a paperless office you no longer need to worry about this as all of your documents are stored in one place with a comprehensive backup system to protect you from loosing important information.
Friday, 26 August 2011
Electronic Document Storage
At Docstor we offer fantastic electronic storage systems they are easy to use and can save your business time and money! Visit us to find out more! http://www.docstor.com/index2.html
Friday, 19 August 2011
Paperless Office
If you have a system that uses a lot of paper, take a look at it and see where things can be changed so that the documents can be accessed by computer. If you set up a way that documents are created and distributed and stored electronically from the get-go, then this is a great way to have an efficent paperless office. To find out more visit http://www.docstor.com/index3.html
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Affordable Electronic Storage Systems by DocStor
Ever wanted to ditch those cumbersome filing cabinets and box files in favour of an electronic system? Perhaps you have been put off by the cost or the technology if so, eStor Solo is the system for you! eStor Solo is an affordable electronic system which can keep all your files and documents in one place. Any authorised staff can access the data easily and quickly. Imagine having all your files at your fingertips via a PC and viewed in the familiar Acrobat window. No more reluctant trips to attics and basements to unearth dusty files; and no more filing(or misfiling)! Visit us at http://www.docstor.com/index2.html for more info.
Friday, 29 July 2011
Paperless Office
Today we often hear the term “paperless office”. But what does it actually mean? Of course, if we took it literally, no one would ever be able to jot down a telephone number on a Post-it or use a postage stamp. Of course, this is in jest, but the point is that people know they need some paper for some things, but the goal should be to use as little paper for documentation as possible and instead store as many documents and files as possible electronically. For further information regarding setting up a paperless office please feel free to contact us at www.docstor.com
Friday, 22 July 2011
eStor - Read More
eStor is a document storage and web based retrieval system that makes use of web browsers typically Microsoft Internet Explorer for its client access to the eStor archive server. Behind this retrieval application, a storage system, consisting of hard disk drives is at your disposal to store huge amounts of scanned document images and electronic data such as Microsoft Word documents and emails.
Every single stored document has a set of associated words, numbers and dates the so called index data stored in a SQL database enables you to find a specific document in no time at all. The appropriate search indexes are tailored to your requirements.
The eStor Document Server links all this information together and makes it available to you through the eStor web serving system using Apache Tom cat technology. In order to make retrieval of this information as easy as possible for the end user the system administrator can create search profiles. These profiles specify the possible search conditions that a user has and also implement different levels of security that restricts certain users from viewing or modifying particular documents.
The user only has to establish one or more search condition to get a list of matching documents found in the system. A simple click on the document displays the actual image in the viewer frame of the web browser application. From then on the user can distribute the image to colleagues using eStor’s simple electronic routing facility or by email, make a local copy, print or simply just view the image to as certain the required information.The original document can not be modified in any way so a completely safe and legally secure archive is maintained at all times.
eStor is therefore a highly adaptable solution capable of meeting demanding specifications of a company.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Monday, 11 July 2011
The Benefits Of Electronic Records Management
Having an electronic records management system in places saves you money! As you eliminate storage costs and reduce your printer overheads. It also saves you office space and improves your employees working efficiency. For more information regarding electronic records management and the benefits of electronic records management please feel free to get in touch with us by visiting http://www.docstor.com/
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Friday, 17 June 2011
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